Title: Prodigy
Author: Marie Lu
Rating: 9/10
so ya.. due to my excitement this review is likely to get a little over the top with GIFS. Anyway, back to the review..
Prodigy was definitely one of the best sequels to a book i've ever read :D In my opinion it made me mentally forgive the author for all the doubts and things i didn't like in Legend. It definitely exceeded all expectations i had for this book and for the rest of the Legend series :D
The first thing i loved in this book was the plot. Although i really enjoyed Legend i could kind of predict what was gonna happen throughout the book, but Prodigy defnitely threw me off guard in many scenes and i felt like the story was alot more complicated and unpredictable :D
Kaede was probably my favourite person in this book.. simply because she was soo unpredictable and i was constantly trying to figure out what she was thinking and if they could trust her. My liking for Day and June kept switching throughout the book. Sometimes i really liked Day and wanted to punch June and then sometimes it was the opposite. June's inability to express her feelings annoyed the hell out of me. I mean i understand some people find it hard to say how they feel but at some scenes i felt like grabbing June and screaming 'SERIOUSLY DUDE. The guy is pouring his heart out to you. Say something remotely normal back!'
And she even recognized her awkwardness!
“Idiotic reply, June. Why don't you punch him in the face while you're at it. I turn even more flustered when I remember that I have actually pistol-whipped him in the face before. Romantic”
Aside from that..June was still the same awesome June from the first book. I loved the slow change towards her view of the Republic and how it wasn't just a 'oh-ya-don't-worry-i-hate-the-Republic-yes-lets-kill-everyone ' immediate change. Day was little more vulnerable which was understandable after everything that happened at the end of Legend, but sometimes his anger towards the Republic was soo strong it clouded his judgement and made me appreciate June for being there to try and put some sense into him (regardless if it worked -_- ).
“The Republic's most wanted criminal is just a boy, sitting before me, suddenly vulnerable, laying all his weaknesses out for me to see.”
The whole love square ( I'd say it's more of a triangle but everyone's calling it a square so whatever ;P ) was interesting but it also made me realise the one thing i didn't like about this book- Tess. Ughhh Tess Tess Tess. She was soo annoying! I really didn't like her and thought most of the things she said and did in this book were really uncharacteristic of her. In Legend she seemed like a sweet girl but in Prodigy i pretty much wanted to slap her across the face every moment she was in.
Prodigy was an incredible sequel that definitely raises my hopes and dreams and excitement for the finale - Champion. The romance was really cute and realistic and the action was intense and awesome and really made me feel like i was watching a fast-paced thriller. It also left me with alot to think about.
“All it takes is one generation to brainwash a population and convince them that reality doesn't exist”
As for the ending.. i will explain my reactions in the wonderful form of GIFs.