Title: Nocte
Author: Courtney Cole
Rating: 12/10
You know those books where you see the cover, and read the blurb, and it makes you want to read the book so badly that you abandon the 3 other books you were reading to read this one supposedly great masterpiece of a book?
That is what kinda sorta happened here.
I went into Nocte with really high expectations. You can't read the blurb and not have expectations...
My name is Calla Price. I'm eighteen years old, and I'm one half of a whole. My other half—my twin brother, my Finn—is crazy...even though I'm terrified he'll suck me down with him, no one can save him but me. I'm drowning more and more each day. So I reach out for a lifeline. Dare DuBray. He will heal me, break me, love me and hate me. He has the power to destroy me. Maybe that's ok. Because I can't seem to save Finn and love Dare without everyone getting hurt. Why? Because of a secret. A secret I'm so busy trying to figure out, that I never see it coming. You won't either.
I got hooked on the book before the book even started. I love the little author's note at the beginning, where she warns the reader of it being "too dark, too twisted,” and not being able to digest the storyline, and this actually scared my a little. It seemed too good to be true and I was legitimately worried that the book would be crap and not as good as I would want it to be. But I was wrong on so many levels.
I'm not sure how to write this review without going into too much detail or giving away any major spoilers, because the whole book is basically a spoiler. But it's written in a way, where you're not sure whether what you're reading is a major plot point or not, so I wasn't exactly expecting most of what happened.
Onto the characters! Now there was Finn and Calla, twins, joined at the hip and the perfect pair of siblings. At times, I thought their relationship was a little too perfect but maybe there's a reason for that. Finn has this intriguing interest in death and Latin, and throughout the book, there's random facts about death and Latin phrases, which really make the book that much more fun to read: for me anyway.
There's Dare, the black eyed, black clothes wearing, black motorbike riding british guy that makes friends with Calla (I promise he's not scary or creepy, he just likes a lot of black) and there's Calla and Finn's dad. They're all really real and they might have had flaws but who doesn't? I didn't notice them anway because the storyline messes up your brain and you're so busy trying to figure out what's happening that even the small details and some what logical things don't make sense; until you read the second book that is. There's so many concepts from Nocte that don't make sense at the beginning and there's even some at the start of Verum, the second book, but everything lines up perfectly (well, almost) at the end of Verum. However, the fact that there's a third book coming out in August 2015 makes me doubt even that.
So in summary, the characters are great, the plot is awesome, the ideas used in the book are 10/10, sometimes things don't make sense, but then again does anything real ever make sense?
^•^ The lady of Cheese ^•^