Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover (Hopeless #2.5)

Title: Finding Cinderella
Author: Colleen Hoover
Rating: 10/10

Considering this book is a short novella and less than 100 pages..i didn't really expect to find it THAT AWESOME..but with Colleen Hoover.. you should never expect her books to be any less than perfect  ^_^
It could be read as a stand alone without reading Hopeless and Finding Hope..but i think to really appreciate the awesomeness of the story and the characters and how well everyone's story connects up with each should definitely read them first ;)

The book is in Daniel's POV, who's pretty straightforward and blunt with everything he says.. and his wit and random nicknames for everyone make you fall in love with him instantly. He's really different from Holder but still just as awesome =D ..which i love because normally in books where the sequels or prequels are about a completely different person or couple you mentally end up liking one of them more..but with this book i was able to love and appreciate Daniel and Six just as much as Holder and Sky's relationship =) and ofcourse the adorable Daniel and Holder bromance ;)

“You're my best friend and I love you. I'm not ashamed to admit that I love a guy. I love you, Holder. Daniel Weasley loves Dean Holder. Always and forever."

"She fist bumped me, I say, pointing at Six. It's not my fault. She hates purses and she fist bumped me, then made me push her on the damn merry-go-round..."

One of my favorite aspects of this book is the way they resolve their problems. Every time a big dramatic thing happens in most of the books i read... the people involved always take ages to clear things up cause they just wanna be all 'leave-me-alone-ish' and 'let-me-cry-and-blablabla'  and it really annoys me because in my opinion when you have a serious problem with someone you care about you always wanna fix it straight away instead of dragging the fight out for days. I loved how Daniel and Six were really mature and awesome and just did the normal thing you would do in real life =)

I thought the length of the book would be an issue and i'd feel really disconnected and  unsatisfied..but it definitely didn't feel like a novella! Everything was paced perfectly and nothing was rushed or sped up. I loved how all together the read was short but special and definitely left you with plenty to love and remember =) Oh..and it also left me with an intense urge to read the entire Hopless series all over again ^-^

If i went on about all the things i love about this book i probably won't be able to stop.. so yea...just read it ;) it's epic.

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