Friday, 14 March 2014

Champion by Marie Lu (Legend #3)

Title: Champion 
Author: Marie Lu
Rating: 8/10

*Sighs* the last wonderful, glorious, perfect book from the series left to review....

oh well.. all good things must come to an end. here we go...

I just realised describing this book will be very difficult if you haven't read the first two. To avoid upsetting anyone with horrible spoilers i'll try to keep everything vague but clear enough so that those who have read the book will know what I'm talking about ;) 

So Champion begins a short while after Prodigy (Legend #2), with Day living peacefully living in his fancy flat and June back at her home working with Anden. The story moves along at a nice pace just like all the other books and (for me atleast) it wasn't too hard to remember what was going on at the end of Prodigy and being able to connect it to the beginning of this book. But that might also just be because i read it maybe a week before this one xp

Something this book definitely improved and fixed up-was Tess. I felt like Marie Lu read my Prodigy review, understood what a silly potato of a character she'd changed Tess into, and then tweaked her back into the innocent, sweet girl she was in Legend. So thank you Marie Lu! I know you proabably didn't read my review..but thank you nevertheless =)

This was  probably my least favourite book from the series- Prodigy being first and Legend second. I felt like there was alot less action in this book than the others, which was probably because alot of the story went on through political discussions and meetings. There was also less surprises and plot twists. Some of the things that happened seemed really obvious where they were heading, which was a bit boring and annoying :P I did enjoy the character development hroughout the books between both main characters. The rare, special, fluffy moments June and Day got were adorable and much appreciated ^_^

“You drive me insane June. You're the scariest, most clever, bravest person I know, and sometimes I can't catch my breath because I'm trying so hard to keep up. There will never be another like you. You realize that, don't you? Billions of people will come and go in this world, but there will never be another like you.” 

gaaaa i love that quote ^_^

And now on to the interesting finale. The way the plot progressed throughout all three books I had uber high hopes for the ending. For some strange reason I had an intuitive feeling that the news we found out at the end of Prodigy  wasn't going to affect the finale. I was soo sure it was gonna be one of those perfect, everything-is-wrapped-up-nice-and-fine-ish endings. But no, ofcourse not. Following the depressing pattern of the last few books I'd read, this one had to go down the lets-surprise-everyone-by-stabbing-their-heart's route. 

Alright I'll confess. It wasn't as bad as some atrocious endings i've read ..*cough, cough..Allegiant..cough* it just..well. I just don't understand why Marie Lu couldn't give us a nice, smooth happy ending. Especially when it would've been sooooo easy. All she had to do was change and remove the last (i think) 2 chapters. 

 My overall impression of the last book (mostly due to the ending) was a bit like this:

 Despite my dislike for the ending, I would say that the trilogy alltogether was brilliant =) The consistency in the characters and their developments was lovely to read throughout all three books and  I'd say one of the
best things about all of them was that no matter how suckish times got, you never wanted to stop reading! It was like Marie Lu cast a spell on all the books to keep you wanting to read on forever 0.o The action, the drama, the tears... all of it ;) If i could rate the entire series overall, i think I'd give it a 8.5/10. It'll definitely stick with me as one of my favourite trilogies I've ever read =) So yes- go read it now! All of them!

“No matter what happens in the future, no matter where our paths take us, this moment will be ours.”
~The potterhead panemaniac pancake lover ~

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