Tuesday, 9 September 2014

More Than This by Jay McLean

 Title: More than this
Author: Jay McLean
Rating: 6/10


I learnt that the hard way and had to read this illogical excuse for a book just so I could write another book review. I admit it was interesting to see how the situation was handled but in some places it was completely illogical and crazy and made me question how much thought people put into books when reading them. 

More than this is the first book in the More series, and revolves around the life and circumstances of Mikayla after 'the tragic incident' that happens the day of her pre-prom party, the tragic incident being her finding out that her best friend and boyfriend have been doing the forbidden deed for two years and her entire family dies. Dramatic I  know. All this happens in the first few pages of the book. Which may be a good thing because the other main character Jake and a bunch of his friends are all introduced in the middle of this confusion and murder. 

Mikayla has no place to live so she picks the next best choice: go live with the random dude who you met 20 minutes ago. And yes his parents agree to this. Which is fine because of the situation she's in but she could be a murderer or a thief or something (she isn't don't worry).

What I loved about the book was the gradual story-line, Nothing was rushed, there were no cliff-hanger moments, and the characters were pretty much the best part. All the friends were funny and accepting. Everyone needs friends like that. 

I don't have much to review on this book; nothing big really even happened. Mikayla got sad, Jake helped, and the rest of the book is just them living and her trying (and failing) to cope with her family dying. I'm not even going to mention the fact that she didn't care about where her friend disappeared to or who killed her family until someone else brought it up and talked to her about it. 
 Literally I could write a book about my life and it might have had more drama than the book (or maybe it would be a compilation of me explaining all my different sitting positions while watching tv or reading) 

More than this made no sense, but then at times it made perfect sense. The female protagonist was a whiny desperate girl who didn't want a boy to help her but got miserable and teary eyed every time he got mad or ignored her. And there's the part where she does basically everything you would do to your boyfriend but says he's "just a friend" because she's dealing with too many things to get in a relationship. IF YOU DON'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM INTO YOUR ROOM EVERY NIGHT YOU MENTAL HOMELESS HUMAN POTATO

 And the guy was too perfect, even for a book. He made up his own worst case scenarios for no reason, understood Mikayla too well and had perfect friends >_>. I love his friends but they're too unreal and perfect. Yes I'm going to read their stories too shh.

Another thing that bothered me was that Mikayla's parents were okay with their 9 year daughter being familiar with male body parts and there were a lot of Justin Bieber and One Direction references which I think you need permission to use because of copyrighting or something *ILLEGAL BOOK ILLEGAL BOOK ILLEGAL BOOK*

But they did change Zac Efron to Zac Teflon or something.

So what I'm trying to say is, read this illegal, illogical, interesting, intrusive book that goes into too much detail on a few scenes. And I would like to mention to Ms. McLean, I highly doubt man-parts can snap in half. It's just muscle. Muscles don't snap. I have never heard of someone saying "oh i broke my tongue in half". There's no bone. It cannot snap! So yeah, do some research on the human body before writing okay?

 I have very mixed feelings about this book so I probably would recommend it to others but then I don't want to be that person who recommended a weirdly odd book. 

-The Lady Of Cheese 

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