Title - Obsidian (Lux Series)
Author - Jennifer Armentrout
Rating - 10/10
Obsidian. This is one of those books that you don't really expect to be exciting enough but then you read it and its a big slap in the face. I didn't expect much from a book based on aliens. I mean all my life i thought they were little green men with antennae and tentacles who have a sole purpose to take over the earth. But this book was nothing like that. Well until the 4th book anyway.
Obsidian was written in Katy Swartz's POV who is the main character, along with Daemon and Dee Black and a bunch of evil aliens called the Arum. The concept of the story, with the light and the dark aliens, how and why they came to earth, their sacrifices and everything else was perfectly fitted into the book.
Another thing l loved about the book was the humour. And Katy's addiction to books. And her hate towards Daemon in the beginning made for some laughable lines.
“Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys”
“I couldn’t figure out why he was here, talking to me, when the last time we’d spoken, he’d acted like I was the antichrist and practically had me pinned to a tree, talking about ways to get dirty”
“I’ve always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect”
If I had to point out a flaw in these books it's that I noticed almost everything happened at night. Why can't dramatic things happen in the daytime?
That's not really a flaw but it bothered me when I was reading.
But the amazing writing and the plot-line and everything else made up for that.
If you're looking for a book which will make your heart melt and crumble but at the same time seek vengeance on anyone this is the book you want. It's sappy and frustrating and suspense-filled and action-y and has everything a book needs.
It will also leave you craving for the second book but you're in luck because the first 4 books in the 5 book series are out!
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