Sunday, 29 December 2013

The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Kody Keplinger

Title: The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend
Author: Kody Keplinger
Rating: 5/10

I guess i should probably give this book a higher rating considering how much i liked it..but for me it was one of those books where the things i liked..I LOVED..and the things i didn't like..ruined it for me..hence- the 5/10. First of all, i wanted to say the main reason i decided to read this was solely based on the title. IT'S AWESOME. I was just like OMG i am the duff! i'm not too sure what a duff is but i'm pretty sure i am one!

The DUFF is about Bianca Pipers, who finds Wesley Rush 'the most disgusting womanizing playboy to ever darken the doorstep of Hamilton High.' The story begins when Wesley calls Bianca 'the Duff' amongst her friends.Things hit off and to keep it simple.. Bianca's life becomes a mess xp

I loved Bianca's personality. Her slapstick humour and witty comebacks just made my day =) Also, i enjoyed her relationship with her friends, and how the author highlighted the thought that she was happy having amazing friends that were loyal and loved her- she didn't need to be the leader or the one that everyone crushes on in a group. It was an important message that YA books never show since the main characters are usually always the prettiest people on earth and have a long list of people falling in love with them ( ok not really a long list but like 2 or 3 ).

“For a girl with such a fat a**, I felt pretty invisible.”

“If Kate Winslet had been the Duff, Leonardo DiCaprio wouldn't have been after her in Titanic and that could have saved all of us a lot of tears.”

“Your sense of humor needs some work, then," Wesley suggested. "Most girls find my jokes charming."
"Those girls must have IQs low enough to trip over.”

“.. You didn't, like, stab the boy, did you? I mean, I totally disapprove of murdering hotties, but if you need help burying the body, you know I'll bring the shovel.”

Wesley Rush, was unfortunately one of the main things I didn't like about the book =( I felt like for someone like Bianca, who's all witty and not the type just to fall for someone just cus' their hot, it was unrealistic for her to use Wesley as a distraction or even spend that much time with him. I mean, i understand that she just wanted to get away from all the problems she was facing back home..but seriously. You've got some friends that you care about and trust.. why don't you just tell them what's going on or how you feel like a normal person and let them take care of you or do whatever they want to do..then as a last resort go to someone you supposingly hate and use them as a distraction -_- .

 Another thing that bothered me about Wesley was i felt like there wasn't alot of original, interesting stuff to like about him. I mean i know everyone doesn't have a deep troubled past that makes you feel bad for them but his reasons for being the way he was seemed too typical for me and not enough for me to think..hmm maybe he's not your typical player. You do start to like him near the end..but still.. i think he lacked something.

"Wesley Rush doesn’t chase girls, but I’m chasing you"

"We’re all f***ing Duffs."
"I’m not the Duff," Wesley said confidently.
"That’s because you don’t have friends."

It was an entertaining read =) although there were things i didn't like about it..i don't regret reading it =)

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