Title : Mistborn: The Final Empire
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Rating: 1000/10
So this is my first review after a looong break.. sorry if I sound a little strange and rusty xp What I've learnt from the last two books I've read..which may be a bit of a rushed assumption but i'm just gonna say it anyway is- READ EVERY BOOK BY BRANDON SANDERSON. YOU WILL REGRET NOT READING THEM AND RELISH EVERY SINGLE ONE AND FEEL LIKE YOU'VE ENTERED AN IMAGINARY SECRET FANTASY SOCIETY WORLD OF BEING A BRANDON SANDERSON FAN. JUST DO IT.
Mistborn is set in a fantasy world which gives you a creepy idea of what would happen in all those books if the hero didn't save the world and destroy the Dark Lord.
'In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice. Together, can they fill the world with colour once more?
In Brandon Sanderson's intriguing tale of love, loss, despair and hope, a new kind of magic enters the stage - Allomancy, a magic of the metals.
When I first read the synopsis i thought oooh metal magic - Magneto 0.o But boy was I wrong. The types of magic Sanderson invents is soo intricate and intelligent. There's allomantic metals, and each metal gives you different abilities (physical or mental). Some people have the ability to control one allomantic metal ...and then there's mistborn- who can control all of them.
They are pretty fancy. xp
There's not really one main character.. the book pretty much switches between two main people but you basically get to know whoever Sanderson wants you to know about ;) Because trust me- during your time reading this book- HE CONTROLS YOU- happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy... All of it 0.0 It's hard to describe my favourite characters without revealing some of the spoilerish awesome things I love about them, but Kelsier, Vin and Sazed have pretty much become my favourite book people. I love the balance Sanderson gives in every character. No one was too perfect..and no one was too terribly annoying. They were just like real people you met in everyday life (minus the awesome allomancy ). Reading about characters can get frustrating and boring if you don't feel a connection with them, or you feel like they're just too unrealistically brave or selfless *ahem* Tris *ahem* With Kelsier and his crew, I felt like I was a member of his little rebellious family. I'd get annoyed at some characters, want to kill others, then hug them, then stab them again xp
The action never drags..and something I really appreciate because I've seen some books fail to make it easy- is the clarity in the fight sequences. You know and visualise exactly what's going on, and considering all the fancy new ways of fighting in this book..what with all the coins and the metals... I think that's a pretty awesome and impressive thing to do.
What I also loved with this book was the satisfaction of the ending. Usually with trilogies when you're not reading the last book in the series you always feel scared that the author will cut the story off at a horrible or super boring point. Here I felt completely satisfied. Nothing was rushed or hurried.. I was desperate for the second book but for the perfect reasons. I'd almost admit that I wouldn't mind if Brandon Sanderson left it at this book...but that would be a lie because I don't think I'll ever get enough of the terrifying and incredible world of Mistborn ;)
So yeah... read it!!!
~The potterhead panemaniac pancake lover~